Stena L. Cahill
May 30, 1989
Jose Dimas Lopez
April 22, 1994
Victim: Debra Grabher
Cold Case Type: Homicide
Occurrence Date: 1992-01-17
Victim Age: 15
Victim Gender: Female
Synopsis: The victim was tied up inside several sheets and blankets then placed in a shopping cart and taken to 743 W. South Temple. The victim was removed from the cart and dragged to a pile of debris in an open field. The body was covered with debris and the suspect left on foot. The Medical Examiner Office determined the manner of death to be homicide. The immediate cause of death is known and being withheld for investigative reasons. This is an open case and the Salt Lake City Police Department is seeking information.
Address of Offense: 743 West South Temple
Case Number: 1992-5210
Status: Unsolved