The Property Crimes Unit — comprised of 12 detectives, two pawn technicians, and two sergeants — works closely with other agencies within the Salt Lake City-area. A monthly meeting provides SLCPD and fellow law enforcement agencies a venue to share information and collaborate in solving property crimes. The PCU is also actively involved with businesses and the public to identify, educate and offer solutions to prevent and reduce crimes against property.
During 2012 the Property Crimes unit handled 17,155 cases,
with a clearance rate of 20% and a total of 2,592 arrests:
• 10,617: theft cases (yards, buildings, retailers (shoplifts) and metals thefts)
• 1,795: burglary cases
• 4,743: damaged property/vandalism cases
The PCU also maintains law-enforcement oversight of the city’s pawn and second-hand retailers by identifying stolen property through the Utah State Pawn Database and ensuring pawn shop compliance with state law.
Click on the tabs below to learn more about property crimes and things you can do to protect your car and your property.
[tabset”Brochures” tab2=”Checklists” tab3=”Metal Theft” tab4=”Pawn Shop/Second Hand Store” tab5=”Identity Theft”]
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